Membership Guidelines

Membership is free, but strictly by invitation. Experienced writers are welcome, however the focus is on writers in the early stages of their careers. All members must be actively pursuing publication in the Middle Grade and/or Young Adult market.


  1. One designated member will submit at least 1000 words of new or revised writing AND/OR a poem of not less than 3 stanzas each week. This is due by 5:00pm CST each Wednesday. It should be emailed to all group members.
  2. Each group member will return a critique of the submitted work by 5:00pm CST on Monday of the following week. This should also be sent to all members.
  3. Critiques should be constructive and should address the work, not disparage or ridicule the writer.
  4. All submissions remain the intellectual property of the writer and cannot be used without his/her express permission.
  5. There will be a monthly online meeting of the group at 8:00pm CST on the last Tuesday of each month. Notices will be sent to members' email addresses. All members are urged to attend.